Ellalily plantain floor is packaged in 1KG and 2KG packets and sold for N1,600 (IKG) and N3,000 (2KG). Within Abuja, orders can be delivered to you directly at your location. For orders, kindly call: Joy on 0802 412 2003 or 0811 276 2001. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED ACROSS NIGERIA & ABROAD!
Ellalily plantain flour is made from fresh unripe plantain and recommended for adults and children. It lowers cholesterol and effectively controls blood sugar; is also a natural source of resistant starch that helps to reduce blood glucose levels, so it is considered an excellent ingredient for food fortification.
Ellalily Plantain flour is made from unripe plantain that has either been sun dried or oven dried; grounded and packaged for making morsel meals and baking. Processed and packaged in hygienic environment, it ensures its long-term preservation and freshness without compromising its nutritional value.
Ellalily Plantain flour has become a stable food for most people in Nigeria, as it contain vital minerals and nutrients that are consistent with the health requirements of older people. Amazingly, plantain flour does more than just help keep diabetes and cholesterol levels in check, there are several other benefits as to why it should be a ‘must have’ in your diet list.
Here are 5 reasons why you should consider adding Ellalily plantain flour to your diet:
- Easily Digestible
Although plantain is rich in complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, it is easily digestible hence an easy substitute to other more complex foods. Known to be a high source of fibre, it helps to manage cholesterol levels, slows digestions and promotes overall bowel regularity, softens stool and increases its overall size and weight. This means that bulky stools are much easier to pass and therefore prevent constipation.
Ellalily plantain flour food is high in fibre and may reduce your risk of haemorrhoids and small pouches in your large intestine known as diverticular disease.
- Rich in Antioxidants
Ellalily Plantain flour is rich in Vitamin C which helps to build the immune system. Studies reveal that vitamin C intake helps to reduce the likelihood of lung, breast, colon, stomach, esophagus, and other types of cancers. Interestingly, people with cancer were found to have lower blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C.
- Prevents Diabetes
Unripe plantain is very low in sugar and this makes it a good choice for diabetes especially when added with other fibre and protein-rich food such as green vegetables. Thus, it makes a great choice for preventing diabetes.
- Builds Strong Bones and Healthy Teeth
Unripe Plantain is rich in calcium which is the essential mineral needed for stronger bones, muscles, nails and teeth. A healthy meal with unripe plantain flour will prevent diseases such as osteoporosis which involves the weakening of the bones and causes fractures.
- Sexual Boost
Who would have guessed that unripe plantain flour helps to improve sexual performance and boosts libido? When eaten with other healthy food, it helps to improve male fertility, thicker sperm and volume.
Ellalily Plantain flour slogan is quite apt, “LIVE TO EAT AND NOT EAT TO LIVE”.