Suspension of parliament to continue until early legislative polls slated for Dec. 17, 2022, says Kais Saied
A referendum on Tunisia’s ruling system will be held next July 25, with early parliamentary polls set for Dec. 17, 2022, the country’s president announced Monday.
In a televised speech, Kais Saied said the suspension of parliament – which began this July – will continue until next December’s elections.
Saied said “a draft constitutional and other reforms will be presented on July 25 and other reforms that concern the organization of elections without interference from any party and away from previous laws.”
Earlier on Monday, the president said in a video on Facebook that new measures will be taken in the coming hours aimed at “achieving the aspirations of the people.”
This July 25, Saied ousted the government, suspended parliament, and assumed executive authority. While he argued these exceptional measures were meant to “save” the country, his critics accuse him of orchestrating a coup.
Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring revolutions, has been seen as the only country that succeeded in carrying out a democratic transition among Arab countries which witnessed popular revolutions toppling ruling regimes, including Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.