Barrister Chinedu Akubueze, the Clerk of Nigeria’s Senate has emerged winner of the Platinum Award for Legislative Excellence, awarded by the international news and current affairs platform DIPLOMATICINFO.COM, in her 2022 PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD.

In the award citation, the Platinum Award for Legislative Management was presented to Barrister Ben Akubueze in recognition of his meritorious and unblemished record in service at the Nigeria’s national assembly, rising to the position of the Clerk of the Nigerian Senate.

Williams Shakespeare tells us, ’there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune, omitted all the voyage of their lives is bound in shadows and miseries’. Fortunately, Chinedu Francis Akubueze has followed the tide of life with uncommon, persistent constancy and behavioral pattern that underscores excellent character, exemplary pedigree, profound integrity, humanity and sincerity of purpose.
What is peculiar about Chinedu Francis Akubueze is the constancy of his character and personality. Testaments from his classmates and friends indicate that the gentle, unassuming, friendly, generous, honest and sincere young boy who trudged his paths with measured steps is still what it was forty years ago. He speaks exactly the way he used to speak as a young man, his body language, his disposition and mien still the same. He has remained a jolly good fellow, one whose integrity could forever be vouched for to the point that no one will have any reservation whatsoever to entrust him with any responsibility or entering into business relationship with Chinedu Francis Akubueze.
‘A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted on the very day it hatches’ African Proverb. This wise saying best captures the persona, the aura and the humanity of Chinedu Francis Akabueze from verifiable testimonies of diverse credible individuals and organization his path has crossed theirs. All these re-enforced his nomination for this PLATINUM AWARD FOR LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT.
His rise to the apogee of the Public Service as Clerk of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is not surprising to those who knew him during his days at All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha, which prepared him for the tasks ahead. The functions he was assigned to then, were Librarian, Office boy in charge of student cash deposits and master of Reading. All those functions had enormous responsibilities which prepared our nominee for the big task ahead in life.
As a librarian, Chinedu Francis Akubueze, managed the school library; as an Office boy, he took care of the highest office in the school, the office of the Rector with specific task of dealing with cash deposits of the students; and a Master of Reading, he was the flag boy of the school because he was most visible at any function, be it religious or otherwise. He articulated, directed and read all the readings of the school. If it were to be in a University he will be termed the Orator. Those positions were where Chinedu Francis Akubueze showed that at hatching stage, he was a cock.
He exhibited diligence, industry, prudence, hard work, calmness, articulation, focus and loyalty. He worked without motivation or inducement but with due diligence of one aspiring to the sacred priesthood of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Chinedu Francis Akubueze, was born on December 11, 1964 to the family of Late Chief & Mrs G.N.Akubueze of Alor, Idemmili South Local GovernmentArea of Anambra State. He began his primary education in 1971 at Modebe Memorial Primary School, Onitsha and later proceeded to All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha in 1977 where he was molded through the great seminary discipline that is second to none. He later completed his secondary education at Colliery Comprehensive Secondary School, Ngwo in Enugu State in 1982.
He proceeded to the prestigious University OF Nigeria, Enugu Campus (Great Lion) in 1983, where he studied Law and thereafter attended the prestigious Nigeria Law School, Victoria Island Lagos. He was called to the Nigeria Bar as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1988.
After completing the mandatory National Youth Service in 1989, he had a stint as a legal practitioner before gaining employment in the National Assembly in 1992. Between 1996 and 2002, he was seconded to the National Human Rights Commission as an investigation/legal office and he showed exemplary prowess in litigation and investigation on complaints of violation of human rights.
On his return to the National Assembly, he held several positions in the then Legal Services Department with specialty as a draftsman before being redeployed to the House of Representatives in 2010 where he served as Clerk-at-Table.
Between 2011 and 2015, he was the Clerk of the Special Ad-Hoc Committee on the Review of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999. And in 2013, he was appointed as Clerk, Committee on Rules and Business, a position he held until 2018 when he became the Director, Table Duties Department.
In 2019, Chinedu Francis Akubueze, was appointed Acting Deputy Clerk (Administrative), House of Representatives, a position he held until 25th November, 2020 when he was appointed as Clerk, House of Representatives. On 1st March 2022, on the retirement of the substantive Clerk of Senate, the National Assembly Service Commission found it worthy, most suitable and appointed him Clerk of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
He has attended several training, and other refresher programmes, including:
- Certificate Course in Legislative Drafting at Royal Institute of Public Administration(RIPA), London, UK, 1992;
- Legislative Drafting for Drafters in the National and State Houses of Assembly, Owerri, Imo State1997;
- Capacity Building Workshop on Reporting Human Rights Violations at the International Labor Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1997;
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Workshop, Sacramento, California.USA, 1998;
- Government Legal Advisers/ Law Officers Workshop at the Nigeria Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Lagos 1999;
- Legislative Drafting Course at Commonwealth Faculty of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK2006;
- Workshop on Policy Analysis, Formulation and Management, Abuja 2007;
- Workshop on Parliamentary Administration, Abuja 2007;
- Legislative Drafting Course at Public Law Centre, Loyola School of Law, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2008;
- Workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa 2009;
- Workshop on the Principle and Techniques of Legislative Scrutiny, Abuja 2009;
- Seminar on Service Orientation and Work Ethics in the National Assembly, 2010;
- Congressional Operations Seminar at the Government Affairs Institute, George Washington University, Washington D.C. USA 2010;
- National Conference of State Legislatures, Illinois, Chicago, USA 2013;
- Society of Clerks at Table Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya 2015; among others.
In order to understand the resilience and strength of Chinedu Francis Akubueze’s character better, let’s create a hypothetical scenario and relate to him in metaphorical sense. Let’s assume that he was incarcerated in a solitary confinement for five years for the sole purpose of breaking his spirit and dealing a devastating blow to his personality. His incarcerators will certainly end up terribly disappointed because he would remain calm where he is, resolute, unbroken, unperturbed, bearing his ordeals with stoicism and equanimity of heart. Such are the qualities of his resilience and stuff and very few among men possess such.
By Training and orientation Chinedu Francis Akubueze, is an intellectual of no mean standing. He is versatile, avid and a vociferous reader. By virtue of his work and duty, he is critical, analytical and objective in appraising issues. As a legal draftsman and administrator, his mental faculty and intellect are sharp and well developed. All these sterling qualities have given him the leverage of dominating his environment with humility, integrity, unassuming disposition and willingness to serve diligently without reservations. No wonder when his time came no one was in doubt as to who the cap fits.
Chinedu Francis Akubueze, has championed the establishment and inauguration of many Old Boys organization including: All Hallows Old Boys Association ( AHOBA) Abuja branch, of which he has been the amazing and effective Chairman since 2016; and the President of Old Seminarians Association of Nigeria (OSAN), since 2021.
Chinedu Francis Akubueze is happily married to the love of his life, the pretty lady, Mrs. Augustina Obiageli Akubueze and they are blessed with a beautiful daughter.