As I ponder on the state of Christianity today, I am compelled to ask: why are Christians ashamed of the cross of Jesus Christ? Why are they timid to testify or witness about God’s faithfulness? Why are they doubtful of His Grace? Why are they afraid of demons and death?
It is appalling to see Christians cower in fear, hesitant to proclaim the Good News of salvation, and ashamed to identify with the cross of Christ. Have we forgotten that the cross is the symbol of our salvation, our hope, and our victory?
Satan, the enemy of our souls, has cleverly manipulated many Christians into believing that they are powerless against his wicked schemes. He has deceived them into thinking that they are vulnerable to his attacks, and that they must live in fear of his demons.
But I have news for Satan and his agents: Jesus Christ is firmly in control of the affairs of men and the destinies of His children! He has given us the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).
It is time for Christians to break free from the shackles of shame and reclaim their heritage in Christ. We must boldly proclaim the Gospel, testify to God’s faithfulness, and declare His Grace to a world in desperate need of salvation.
We must not be afraid of demons and death, for Christ has conquered them both. We must not be ashamed of the cross, for it is the symbol of our salvation and our hope.
As the apostle Paul declared, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16).
Let us rise up, dear Christians, and take our rightful place as ambassadors of Christ. Let us boldly proclaim the Gospel, and let us never be ashamed of the cross of Jesus Christ.
For we are not alone; we have the Holy Spirit living within us, empowering us to be witnesses for Christ. We have the authority of Christ backing us up, and we have the promise of eternal life awaiting us.
So let us go out into the world, unashamed and unafraid, with the knowledge that Jesus Christ is firmly in control. Let us proclaim His Gospel, testify to His faithfulness, and declare His Grace to all.
For the glory of God, and for the sake of the Gospel, let us rise up and take our stand!
For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
About the Author
Dr. Elvis Enyioko, is the Executive Director of The Good Lord Thanksgiving Ministry International (TGLTMI).
His also the Provost and Vice President, International Studies and Leadership Development, at Juliana King University (JKU), a Houston, Texas, USA, based Christian University.
He can be reached on: +2348077753824 (Call & WhatsApp)