Kano State Censorship Board has suspended popular Kannywood actress Samha Inuwa for one year over “inappropriate” dressing and “offensive language in some of her videos.”
In a statement by its information officer, Abdullahi Sulaiman, on Saturday, the board said the suspension followed Inuwa’s failure to heed several warnings.
The statement partly read, “Samha Inuwa had been repeatedly cautioned about her crude dressing and vulgar displays, but she continued to flout the board’s regulations.”
The board also announced an immediate revocation of Inuwa’s licence while stopping censorship of movies featuring the actress.
“In addition to the suspension, the board has revoked her licence and halted the censorship of any films featuring her.
“The board reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that all films, writings, and other forms of expression align with the state’s religious values, cultural norms, and moral standards,” it said.
Inuwa’s suspension joins several other cases of suspension of actresses in the northern part of the country over public appearances and attitudes in movies.
The board noted its decision was part of its ongoing efforts to maintain moral integrity in the Kannywood film industry while ensuring compliance with its rules and regulations.
In 2016, the Motion Practitioners Association of Nigeria (MOPPAN) expelled Rahama Sadau over what was described as her immoral appearance in the music album by musician Classique.
However, her suspension was later lifted by the then Governor Abdullahi Ganduje, who acknowledged the role of the Hausa movie industry in the struggle for national development.