Riyadh announced the suspension of the détente process of relations with Tel-Aviv and consequently the freezing of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), the alternative to the New Silk Road that presupposes(goes) dialogue between Israel and Saudi Arabia. A due act, that of Riyadh albeit in my opinion transitory, and certainly not brought about by the activity that the Western press, most likely pressured by the United States, has been insisting for days on ascribing at all costs to Tehran
This I assert a fortiori:
- firstly from what emerged and was made known yesterday by the The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/13/world/middleeast/hamas-israel-attack-gaza.html ) about the perfect information in the possession of the Hamas militiamen who conducted the attack triggering the present conflict by also striking Israeli military targets close to the border with the Gaza Strip (information that I think it is beyond fair to assume did not come from Tehran but from someone very well informed and who has free access to certain places and information) -and secondly
2. after the U.S. military put on alert and the arrival of the battle group led by the USS Gerald R. Ford off the Israeli coast.
Somebody, this must be said, is, however, dragging their feet somewhat, leaving (intentionally?) a little too much trail that the EU, or what is left of it, would be better off starting to take into due consideration, also in relation to the problems of supply of energy products -and not only- that going at this pace are likely to make next winter scorching hot.
The Eastern Mediterranean area, already hot due to the Greek-Turkish dispute concerning the gas fields in those depths, deserves, now more than ever, the utmost attention from all of us in the face of a decidedly less “main stream” reading of events.
And in fact, to those who have considered and still point out how everything that has provoked the current state of affairs, the Hamas attack, has drawn its raison d’être from the desire, specifically of Tehran, to provoke exactly the suspension I mentioned in the opening, I propose that we reflect on the fact that actually benefiting (at least for now) from all this is not Iran, but rather ‘someone’ who at the moment seems to have found the key to turn the stability needs arising to the Iranian and Israeli establishments from the internal political crises in their favor in order to move the … ‘right’ steps to the contractors (for that is what they are, although perhaps at the moment, they do not realize it) of Hamas.
I say ‘for now’ because if what is happening will only result in the final expulsion from the Gaza Strip of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians … well, the harm that ‘someone’ will receive will be worse than the advantage they are trying to pursue with a skillful, so far, anachronistic divide and rule of Roman memory.
Although there are several ‘roosters crowing’ in various capacities in the Middle East today, two are the only chickens in the situation, Hamas and Israel, while among the roosters as many as three-Russia, China and India-have only to lose from all this at the moment
Inferences? Abstruse suppositions? Reckless predictions? All that remains is to wait: Israel’s attack on Hamas ‘targets’ located in Gaza has already begun, so all that remains is to await events.