Sheikh Al-Imam Abdulateef (Sododo), an Islamic cleric and scholar, says political apathy is a great sin in the sight of God.
Mr Abdulateef, the chief imam of Onikoyi Estate, Iba LCDA in the Ojo council area, spoke at the Zenith Labour Party (ZLP) inaugural annual Ramadan lecture at Igando in Lagos on Wednesday.
Stating that politics is to make life better, Mr Abdulateef said only good leaders could improve lives and the country.
“Let us do politics. If we do not do it, we will all suffer for negligence. Let us join hands together to put the right leaders in positions of authority. It is compulsory. If we should go by the injunction of Quran 3 verse 104, it implies that citizens are enjoined to elect their leaders,” the Muslim cleric stated.
According to him, it is the obligation of every eligible citizen to register to vote during elections.
“So, it is a law from Allah that, when you are in the country, and there must be a leader either through voting or selection, you participate and vote,” the cleric explained. “For every eligible citizen who fails to take their PVCs or has the PVCs but does not vote, it is a great sin in the sight of Allah. Such should seek forgiveness because it is a serious sin.”
According to him, Nigerians, especially the Muslim faithful, should perform their civic rights, which is also in line with God’s injunction.
“It does not speak well that we need to be begging people to pick their PVCs and vote during an election. Some even demand money to be paid them before they exercise their franchise in elections,” he added.
Mr Abdulateef urged the Nigerian political class to see their privileged position as an opportunity to serve.
“The leadership must prioritise security and welfare of the people, especially the provision of basic social amenities like good roads, potable water, and constant electricity, among others. A good leader should not separate himself or his abode from the people he is leading,” stated Mr Abdulateef.
The cleric also mentioned that “leaders must see the people as humans and not slaves while citizens must also be law-abiding and fear God.”